This is my sixth trip to Colorado in the last 15 months and will be the 2nd round trip driving. A couple trips were very brief so I am just summarizing those trips here. Not
enough for their own blog...
June 2017 we took a family vacation to Colorado (see June 3-11, 2017 Colorado Blog)
July 2017 Brittany and I visited CSU for her Orientation. This was a quick in and out trip. We flew into Denver, drove up to Fort Collins stayed the night and spent the next day at CSU for Orientation. I was a little nervous for Brittany starting at a new school without anyone else she knew. We had some sessions together but then they broke up parents and students for some sessions. When we re-united later, I was happy to see Brittany sitting with three newly found friends. She was having a great time and we ended up eating lunch with her new friends. Not much else exciting about this trip. We again stayed in Fort Collins. The next day we had lots of time to kill before our return flight but didn't have much planned. We ended up driving back out to Red Rocks (West of Denver) and did some driving in the mountains and a little hiking. Then, to the airport for our flight home. Pretty uneventful trip.
August 2017 Brittany and I drove to Colorado for her Dorm move-in and on my way back I went to South Dakota and Nebraska (see Aug 15-22, 2017 Colorado, South Dakota, Nebraska blog).
January 2018 Brittany and I again drove out to Colorado. This time, we took her car so she could have it since she is moving into an apartment off campus. We decided to drive straight through this time making the 960 mile trip in one long day. We shared the about 12 hours... Brittany about 2 1/2 hours (I guess she was willing to put up "Dad, your a terrible driver"). For me, it was a nice trip to spend some time with Brittany. We used to spend lots of car time when she was in Adventure Princesses in grade school and in club volleyball in high school so, it was nice to again share some car time (14 1/2 hours to be exact!). The drive was long but uneventful. We stayed in Fort Collins one night then, moved her into her new apartment. She had all her stuff there from the dorm already so, we just had to unload some of the things she brought from home. She had moved out of the dorm with her dorm roommate (Sienna) and moved in with two other CSU students in a nice 4 bedroom, 2 bath apartment close to campus. After she was settled she was ready to unpack and kinda wanted me to exit the building so.. she drove me to the airport and I again had to part ways with her (always a little sad for me).
June 2018 Kathryn and I visited Brittany (see June 16-20, 2018 Colorado blog).
September 2018 and now this trip.
This was an unplanned trip. Brittany has started her new semester at CSU and I thought it would be nice to visit her since I don't have a ton keeping me in Illinois!.
However, I had an agenda that Brittany was not too thrilled about. She is taking a very difficult Calculus class and requires a strong gradee to get accepted in Business school (her only outstanding requirement). Well, I am good at Math! So, I decided to dust off my Calculus skills and be her tutor (whether she likes it or not!).
So I rented the book and prior to the trip started boning up on it. Actually, really enjoy re-learning Calculus. Yeah, kinda nerdy.
The real agenda for the trip is to help Brittany on two upcoming quizzes, an important Algebra (pre-calc, review test) and her first mid term. I thought it would be good to do it in person, hopefully get her off to a good start and then continue remote.
Brittany wanted to see Cutter so asked if I would drive out with him. I was already debating driving vs. flying so, that convinced me to make the road trip.
Me and Cutter hit the road at 6:00am with coffee, snacks, drinks, dog treats and a couple of sandwiches.
Turns out this is my sixth trip out to Colorado in the last year and a half. This will be my second round trip in a car and had one other drive out and fly back. The rest were airlines.
Cutter was no trouble at all, he always loves car rides and he just setteled in and slept most of the way. The drive was easy with not very much construction to slow me down. We made to gas stops and one dog stop but the rest was peddle to the metal. Door to door it is 960 miles and with those brief stops I made it in about 13 1/2 hours.
Because I had Cutter...and.... when I travel myself I am cheap!.... I stayed at the Super 8 on the East side of town (not the best side of town).
Met up with Brittany who came for a visit to the hotel to see me and Cutter. That was really nice seeing her. We just did fast food (McDonald's Big Macs... which I think we have done more than once I hate to admit). Hung out at the hotel and watched some tv. We made it an early night since it was pretty late already and she, of course, had school the next day.
Brittany has a full day of class so, I was on my own until the evening.
In the morning went over to a nature area close to my hotel and did a hike with Cutter.
In the afternoon I got my car washed and got Cutter a spa day! Did some shopping and did a lot of driving around Fort Collins.
Also spent some time at Spring Canyon Park (my fav park near Brit's apt.) and when it was rainy, did some Calculus and when it cleared did a nice hike with Cutter.
In the evening Brit came to the hotel and she took her Algebra exam. We broke for dinner and went to Jason's Deli.
When we got back, the hotel wifi was horrible (I was way at the back of the building). So, first, I found better wifi on the other side of the room so, we shuffled the room around and proceeded. That did not last long and we lost the signal again. We decided to go to the lobby. Made some more progress on the test, then the wifi got bad again. Finally, the best signal we found was sitting in the hallway of the Super 8 with Brit cranking out her Algebra exam while people and dogs walked over us. Good news--- She scored a 90.47!! Nicely done Brittany!
Brittany had a pretty tight schedule today but, I wanted to see if we could improve her Algebra test score. She can take the test up to three times. So, instead of going to the park, I went to her apartment around 11:00. None of her roommates were home so we did have the place to ourselves. She took the Algebra exam again and really new the material. Unfortunately, a couple of typos in entering the exam got her some wrong answers and actually scored below the first test so, we decided to stand pat with the original score. Still a very nice grade.
Brittany had school the rest of the day and had to work all night at Stuft so me and cutter were on our own.
I did quite a bit of driving around Fort Collins again just getting more familiar with the different neighborhoods, etc. Then, me and Cutter headed to another Park Recreation area and did another hike. The weather was hot and sunny (93deg). Humidity was super low (20%) so, the heat did not bother me but, poor Cutter, with his long black fur seemed to be getting hot pretty fast. Pouring water on his back did not help much as it rolled off and Cutter shook the rest off. It was a nice hike even tho I cut it short worried about Cutter over heating.
Cutter had huge anxiety anytime I left the hotel without him so, just decided to hang out with him at the hotel Friday night. Boring but, Cutter liked me staying in with him.
Brit had a double shift today so no Calc study. I did spend the morning just doing some Calculus stuff and spreadsheet stuff in the hotel (my family affectionately calls this "Dad farting around with his spreadsheets").
Around 1:00 I headed to Brittany's waitress job at Stufft (a good burger joint in old town) and surprised her. I, of course, sat in Brittany's section and gave her a hard time (not really) and left her a very nice tip! I loved seeing her waiting tables and I think she liked that I stopped in. I wanted to get a picture of her waiting tables but, she did not want any part of that.
After that I went back to the hotel to grab Cutter and headed to Reservoir Ridge Nature Area for a nice hike. After the hike we hung around for a while enjoying the great weather and finally toward dusk headed back to the hotel.
Another quite night with me just hanging out with Cutter.
This was a study day. The morning I worked at the hotel. Working mostly on writing summaries for each of the sections to be included on the first mid term. This I can provide to Brittany.
Brittany slept in because she worked 12 hours on Saturday! So, we met up at 1:00p at Spring Canyon Park to study so we can have Cutter with us. Just set up on a table under a shelter. We worked hard on Quiz 4 which was very long and tedious. We then knocked out Quiz 5 which was much easier and faster. The weather was mid 80s humidity 21% (nice!) and a nice breeze. We spent about 3 hours working on her Calculus but, then she had to get ready for work.
Brittany headed home to change for work and Cutter and I took another fairly short hike before heading back to the hotel to watch the Packer/Chicago Sunday night football game. It was a great game with the Packers coming from behind and winning in dramatic fashion.
Did Homework #6 in the morning and did some walking around the hotel waiting to meet up with Brittany.
Met up with Brit again at Spring Canyon Park for some studying. We did not have as much time but, we went through the practice exam. It seemed pretty easy and she did very well. I really like studying there. It was already about 90 deg but with low humidity (20%) and a nice breeze so, studying in the shade was great. That way we can have Cutter with us too.
After that, Brit was off to school and work in the evening.
Me and Cutter did a lot of driving around town (again) getting a better feel for Fort Collins. I am glad I did because I really like the Southern suburb area (around Harmony and Horsetooth). This is a much newer part of town. Nice neighborhoods, and it looks like lots of new condo construction being built. The neighborhoods in the center of Fort Collins are kind of small and dumpy for the most part so, it was nice to see a more modern section of town.
We then drove up onto the ridge overlooking horsetooth reservoir and then dropped back down into town to reach Maxwell nature area for a hike. Timing was not great. It was about 3:30 and 94 degrees. Again, for me, because of the low humidity it was actually very nice. But, I decided to cut the hike pretty short because the hot sun was bearing down on Cutters black fur and I think he was getting pretty hot.
Shopped at Walmart and watched Monday Night Football in the evening.
Today Brittany has a long school day and had to catch up on other subjects so we did not meet. Luckily tho, she got someone to take her shift at work tonight so she had more time for studying.
I didn't do too much today. I like having Cutter with me but, it does limit what I can do. I don't like leaving him in the hotel by himself very much (he gets huge anxiety every time I make a move to the door). And, it has been very hot this week which, has not been bothering me with the low humidity but, I feel I have to limit our hikes because he gets so hot. I guess I was a little unprepared for that. Next time maybe take ice water with and not just pour it on him but rub it in so it keeps him cool longer.
We did get out some. A trip to the dispensary (for a friend!. Honestly). And then we drove up into Horsetooth for a while. We did do a short hike but, the sun was pretty intense on Cutter.
Again, I spent a ton of time on Calculus. I created a "study sheet" for Brittany which is a very abbreviated set of notes and examples for each section that is going to be on the test. In addition, I reviewed the practice test and added specific things where she had struggled the first time she took the test. This armed me with some good study materials to share with Brit Wednesday morning for her final prep.
Poor Cutter is still really itchy from his allergies. I was hoping that whatever bothers him was much more present in IL than here because the foliage is so much different (more arid high desert). But, he is still crazy itchy. Another reason to keep the hikes short.
I am getting tired of spending time at the not so glorious Super 8. But, the plan all along had been to be here for Brittany and knowing with school and work she will have limited time to meet with me.
I did talk with a couple of ladies that were always smoking at the back door when I would take cutter out. Turns out, they have been staying at the Super 8 since Aug 1st (a month and a half) because, according to them, the landlord sold their house out from under them with no warning. I did not pursue why they didn't just get another apartment to rent... Also, I asked about the two sedans that I see everyday parked at the end of the road in a trucking lot. I had seen maybe 3-4 adults and a couple of kids in two Chevy Cavaliers (or similar). The first day I thought they were having a picnic in a rather strange area. Turns out, it is two families who have been living out of those two cars since Dec. 01 (9+ months and counting). Very, very sad. I am seeing the economically depressed side of Fort Collins.
Me and Brittany met at the park again for a final study session before her mid term exam. I was hoping to get 2 hours to work with her on final prep but, with everything else going on, she only had about an hour. I used the study materials I had prepared and it did make the time pretty productive (I think). Not sure if she was anxious about the test but, I sure was.
I followed Brit back to her apartment and she gave me her car keys. While Brittany was in school I took her car to the car wash and then to Pep Boys for an oil change (what a nice Dad!). Her car seems to be running just fine and PepBoys did not find any issues with tires and brakes when they did the oil change. The only bummer is they did not know how to fix her back hatch which had not been able to open since she took her car out there. Oh well, they thought it probably an electrical problem.
When 5:00 rolled around I went back to Brit's apartment to drop her car off and get mine. I asked her how the test was and she said "it was harder than the practice exam" which made me worry.
SPOILER ALERT: I got a text from Brittany Saturday morning. She scored 100% on her mid term!!!!! . I was so happy for her (and me). I do think my help paid some dividends.
Around 7:00 that evening Brit was getting hungry so, I ordered Dominos Pizza and she drove over to my hotel. No calc talk tonight! The stress and work on calc did put some strain on us so, I was so happy Brit decided to come for a final visit. Made my trip!
When she departed, I was sad but very proud of my Brittany. She put forth such an effort in a subject she really does not like. I got myself all set up for an early departure tomorrow morning with breakfast and lunch packed in the cooler.
Set my alarm for 4:30 am but was restless and woke around 4:15. Checked out out of the hotel and me and Cutter hit the long road home at 4:55 am.
The drive is easy but long. Listened to just about my whole music collection on the way back. Three very short stops (2 gas, 1 Cutter break) and made the 960 mile treck back home in thirteen and half hours.
Home sweet home.
This trip had a purpose. Get Brittany on solid ground in her Caculus class with a good starting grade. She needs an 80 or better to be accepted into Business School so, a lot riding on it.
With that goal in mind, I think it was a very successful trip. As of this writing (with a couple more 100% quizzes under her belt she has a 98% in the class with 31% of the grade weighting .
It was great to see Brittany and I know she liked seeing Cutter too.
Cutter was a good travel companion but, as mentioned, did limit the things I was able to do. Next time I will be better prepared to keep Cutter cool if the weather is hot. Also, I have been nursing some tendinitis in my foot which limited the hiking I could do.
Even tho the drive was long, I do think I liked it better than all the hassles of flying and rental cars. It was nice to have my own car and my own schedule.